Acupuncture treatments are based on CPT codes and usually ranges between $95-$160, with 20-30% discounts available for time-of-service (TOS) payment or certain health insurance-affiliation. Typical follow-up appointments paid at time-of-service are $75. Discounted pre-payment for a series of treatment is also available. Fee schedule available on request.
Appointments may be paid with Health-Savings or Flex-Spend Accounts. If your health insurance plan covers acupuncture, I am in-network provider for United, Harvard Pilgrim, Premera Blue Cross and VA/Veterens Choice.
- Catherine O'Hara
Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are.
- Chinese Proverb
放鬆來自於當你安住你原本所 “是” 的狀態